
A student presents her research at the 2018 Summer Research Conference

ASP Conference Travel awards are available to students presenting the results of their research work completed while a student at Occidental. These awards provide funding for students to present their research findings at professional regional or national conferences.

ASP Conference Travel Grant Funding, Eligibility, Requirements

Grants are limited to a max of $600 per project and awarded on a competitive basis. It is important to note that funding is limited, so the ASP Conference Travel Grant may not be the sole support for conference participation.

Each student must present their work individually. Group presentations will not be funded.

Students are eligible for only one ASP Conference grant per academic year. In most cases, students will not receive funding to present at the same conference in consecutive years. Note that applying for funding for NCUR will count as your one allotted conference for the academic year.


Applications must be submitted four weeks before the conference and documentation of one's acceptance as a presenter must be included.

Complete the . At the end of the form, you will need to upload your application packet merged as a single PDF file, saved as LastName, FirstName_ASPConference.pdf, in this order:

  • Abstract: A copy of your accepted abstract or paper.
  • Verification: Include a confirmation of acceptance of your abstract/paper for presentation.
  • Personal Statement: (Limited to two pages, written by the applicant.) The personal statement should outline your research, explain the reasons for attending this conference to support your educational objectives, and demonstrate how the activity is essential for your intellectual or professional development.
  • Itemized Budget: (prepared by the applicant.) Use the  to provide a detailed list of all project costs. The fillable PDF form is available for download. Note: Budgets should reflect the project's total cost and funding expected from other sources should be listed.
  • Mentors: Must complete the  by the deadline.

If you plan to attend a conference during winter break, please know that the campus will be closed from December 18, 2024, to January 3, 2025. Applications must be submitted at least 4 weeks before the closure to allow ample time for review. Travel grants are not available during the summer.

Note: The final day for submitting requests for the 2024-25 Academic Year is April 14, 2025.

For details regarding conferences such as the and the , email urc@oxy.edu. Funding for these opportunities is available through the ASP Conference Travel award.


Contact Undergraduate Research Center

2nd floor, Old Wing, Room 253A