
The first day of shooting is always an exciting time.

How you present yourself today will establish the tone for how you expect your cast and crew to behave on set. Here are some guidelines to help:

  • Dress appropriately. Crew should have close-toed and rubber soled sneakers or boots. Heels or open-toed shoes are liable for injuries on set. Clothes should be comfortable and well fitting. No clothing should have excessive fringe or loose piece that could get caught in the equipment. No clothing or accessories should make noise. Layers should be brought, as California weather can vary 30 degrees from day to night.
  • Be early. You should be there before your cast and crew, so that when people begin to arrive, they can be sure they’re in the right place and you can greet them. Showing up late to your own set is not only unprofessional, but it causes the rest of your crew to not take your call times seriously. Set a good example starting on the first day.
  • Set up a craft services table. Food and water should always be available to crew members throughout the entire shoot. Crew members who lack energy or focus are a hazard on set. There should always be an area set aside and out of the sun/extreme temperatures for breaks and refreshments for those who need it. Water always goes quickly, so make sure you bring enough for the entire day. A meal break of at least 30 minutes with a meal provided to all cast and crew must occur every 4 hours. There is a Gift/In Kind Donation Form included in the Index of Forms that you can use to ask local businesses to make a tax-deductible meal donation to your project. Just be sure to thank them in your end credits!
  • Greet everyone. Once your actors and crew have arrived, thank them for coming and introduce everyone. Make sure when you select your locations that there are accessible and clean bathrooms nearby for people to use, and let your cast and crew know where to find them. Give them a brief outline of the day, including when you have scheduled breaks or meals.
  • Don’t forget your forms. Make sure to get all cast and crew to fill out Actor Release Forms, Assumption of Risk Forms, and Emergency Medical Forms (all available under the Index of Forms). This should be done before you start filming. Keep these forms, along with all your permits and releases in a production notebook in case of emergency or an authority figure questions your film shoot.
  • Take care of the equipment. Have a checklist for all your equipment, both when you check it out from The Cage and when you leave your location to make sure nothing is missing. Make it clear who from the crew is responsible for what equipment.
  • Stay on schedule. Check your call sheet periodically to make sure you’re staying on time. Keep your break times as close to your scheduled time as possible. If you’ve overscheduled and must move a scene to the following shoot day, communicate it to your cast and crew so they can plan ahead and know what to expect.
  • Be positive. Sometimes film sets don’t always run as smoothly as we’d like. If a problem arises, keep calm and handle the situation professionally. Negative energy spreads quickly, and your cast and crew will be looking to you for guidance. Never yell at a cast or crew member. Remember that your crew is working with you, not for you.

In Case of an Emergency

If the injury requires immediate attention, go to the nearest Emergency Room. If you’re on campus, call Campus Safety at (323) 259-2599. They will drive you.

Emmons Student Wellness Center is also an option if they’re open. After normal business hours, injured persons can be taken to:

Huntington Memorial Hospital – Emergency Dept
100 W. California Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91109
(626) 397-5111
Open 24 hours

Directions: Go north on Eagle Rock Blvd,
Turn right onto Colorado Blvd
Turn left onto the 134 Freeway EAST, stay in slow lane
Follow signs to Del Mar Blvd/California Blvd
Exit California Blvd and turn left
The hospital is located on the right hand side at 100 W. California Blvd.

If you call 911 you will be transported by ambulance. If you’re on campus, call Campus Safety (ext “5″) so that they can meet the paramedics at the fountain and escort them to you. You will be responsible for the cost of the ambulance. Most insurances, including the school health insurance, will cover this. If you are admitted to the hospital call your insurance company as soon as possible.


Health Care Partners – Urgent Care Center
401 S. Fair Oaks
Pasadena, CA 91105
(626) 795-2244
Hours: 24 Hours/7 days

Contact Media Arts & Culture
Weingart 109