
Students are responsible for knowing the following:

Posters, banners, flyers, and other promotional, electronic, advertising or educational materials must be posted in accordance with the following guidelines. Failure to meet these guidelines may result in the immediate removal of the publicity without notice. Continued failure to meet these guidelines may result in limited publicity privileges.


An event must be registered with Master Calendar before public posting of the event may occur.
Postings located in the following locations are subject to special requirements:
Approval of publicity is not reflective of an endorsement of the event or message by the College.
The following policies refer to posting banners, posters, chalkings and flyers anywhere on campus, including electronic media. Questions about these policies should be directed to SLICE.
  1. All promotional materials must clearly identify the sponsoring entity.
  2. Posting for events is prohibited until the event is registered with Master Calendar.
  3. With the exception of alcohol education programs, materials may not promote alcohol as the focus of the event.
  4. Banners (materials greater than 12"x18" in size) and flyers (materials equal or less than 12"x18" in size) may not be affixed on windows (including windows on exterior doors), exterior walls, building entrances, light poles, map kiosks, benches, campus street signs, trees, or the ground. Authorized posting is limited to campus promotion kiosks, the ground level of the JSC (interior), Bookstore bulletin board, mailroom bulletin board, and department bulletin boards (with approval from that specific department).
  5. Only the use of painter's tape (i.e., non-damaging) to adhere materials to surface is permitted. Any individual/group publicizing on campus will be held responsible for damages caused by improper posting. 
  6. Banners and flyers may be displayed for a period up to two weeks prior to an event and must be removed within 48 hours after the conclusion of the event.

Chalking Guidelines

  1. All chalkings must be registered with SLICE.
  2. Chalking is limited to either the JSC or Academic quads. SLICE, in consultation with Campus Safety and Facilities, may approve other locations. 
  3. Chalk must be designated as appropriate for use on sidewalks. It may be borrowed from the Student Activities Center.
  4. Chalk is not permitted on vertical surfaces (e.g. no walls or buildings) or any other sidewalk areas, or areas not specified above.
  5. Chalk is removed on a weekly basis according to Facilities washing schedule.

Publicity in Residence Halls

Distribution and Posting in Campus Dining Facilities

Distribution of Printed Material on Campus

  1. Distribution of handbills or commercial publicity by or for off-campus parties is prohibited without prior approval from SLICE.
  2. Distribution of handbills may occur in the JSC or Academic quads only.
  3. Persons distributing the materials may not impede access to any building.
  4. Individuals may not be forced, coerced or otherwise pressured to accept materials.
  5. Solicitations or donation requests are prohibited. See Vendor Solicitation and Canvassing on Campus guidelines.