
September is National Campus Safety Fire Safety Month. Here are a few essential fire safety tips for students:

  • Make yourself aware of all emergency exits and have two ways to get out in mind, whether you are in a residence hall, off-campus residence, classroom, movie theater or club.
  • Use stairs to get out, not elevators.
  • Smoking and open flames are not allowed in residence halls. When off campus, make sure any cigarettes and ashes are out. After a party, check for smoldering cigarette butts, especially under cushions. Chairs and sofas catch on fire fast, and burn fast. Nationwide, smoking is the leading cause of fatal fires in campus housing.
  • Use of any device that creates an open flame without prior written permission from the Office of Risk Management or Environmental Health and Safety Manager.  This includes but is not limited to candles, incense, oil burners, lighters, and matches.
  • Keep a fire extinguisher close by and know how to use it.
  • Alcohol is a factor in 76 percent of all fatal campus fires.
  • Don’t overload electrical outlets, power strips and extension cords. Use a surge protector for a computer and plug the protector directly into an outlet. Electrical problems cause 11 percent of fatal campus fires.
  • Be extra cautious during the weekend. Some 70 percent of fatal campus fires occur on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
  • If you ever get caught in any flames, remember to stop, drop and roll – it’s the most famous fire tip for a reason.
Contact Campus Safety 24/7
Facilities Management Building

Fire, Paramedics, & Police: 911
(or 9-911 from a campus phone)

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