Please join us for a talk by Hannah Tzuberi, “We are all Jews”: Moral Nation-Building and Anti-Antisemitism. This lecture is part of the Critical Theories in Antisemitism Series 

19 Nov
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Add to Calendar 2024-11-19 18:30:00 2024-11-19 20:00:00 Critical Theories of Antisemitism Lecture Series: “We are all Jews”: Moral Nation-Building and Anti-Antisemitism Please join us for a talk by Hannah Tzuberi, “We are all Jews”: Moral Nation-Building and Anti-Antisemitism. This lecture is part of the Critical Theories in Antisemitism Series  The Choi Auditorium America/Los_Angeles public
Location: The Choi Auditorium
Event Date: Nov. 19, 2024

Hannah Tzuberi is a researcher of contemporary Jewry with a focus on post-Holocaust (German) nation-building and the moral economies underlying the politicking of the present. 

This talk will focus on the embrace of the figure of the Jew in post-unification German political discourse and this embrace's foundational importance for German political identity. By outlining the contours of the state's memory- and revival-politics, it will argue that the defense of the figure of the Jew now enables both the dismantling of democratic rights and the non-recognition of human rights.
