The Black Action Plan presents a keynote from Dr. Monique Liston
The Intercultural Community Center, in partnership with staff from the Division of Student Affairs and Black students at , has led the charge in the development of the Black Action Plan (BAP). The BAP is a multi-pronged approach designed to address some of the most significant and persistent needs among Black students, including how to address racial bias and implement anti-racist practices at all levels of the College.
On Thursday, January 28 from 4-5:30pm PST, based upon one of the initiatives outlined in the Black Action Plan, there will be a program called: “Anti-blackness is real, but another world is possible”. This will be a keynote delivered by Dr. Monique Liston, who is the Chief Strategist at . Dr. Liston is an unapologetic Black woman who also identifies as a warrior scholar, joyful militant, evaluator, sister, and friend. She is the founder of UBUNTU Research and Evaluation, a professional learning community led by Black women.
Dr. Liston will deliver a keynote and host a Q&A session for faculty, staff, students and alumni to explore how to practice anti-racism in our day-to-day lives. We hope to see you there!